Escola LMS sp. z o.o. realizuje projekt dofinansowany z Funduszy Europejskich pt. "Opracowanie silnika rekomendacyjnego w ramach platformy LMS Wellms".

Future of e-learning

starts today

Build a blazing-fast enterprise level headless Learning Management System in one month.

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What is Wellms?

Wellms is a headless system that enables immediate creation of dedicated training platforms, designed specifically to meet our Clients' most particular needs. We use it to set up content repositories with powerful administrative interfaces to support content development and management across multiple platforms.

The headless solution


In headless architecture you can use any and all of the frontend frameworks and technologies you may think of. In opposition to monolith LMS architecture, a headless LMS is built upon API as a main component. All other components communicate through this interface. Furthermore you can create multiple frontend solutions working with the same backend.

Wellms is exactly what you need

Quick to build

block-based solution

Blazing-fast to use

Flexible in implementation

Creating an LMS is like using building blocks instead of carving in metal or molding a statue. This enterprise-level LMS can be up and running within a couple of weeks.

“The fastest and most efficient LMS as I ever used” - said 10/10 administrators that we showed Wellms to. There is no waste code, so it is as fast as Formula 1.

Flexible it feels like custom-made, as you decide which features you use. Yet, it will work, as it works for anyone else. No risk in creating complex specifications.

Block-based backend that grows with your needs

Reusable H5P content automatically adjusting to frontend

Tailor-made frontend adjusted to your needs

Adjusts to your needs as soon as they appear - you can attach an extra block anytime you need. Start small and allow our LMS to grow together with your organization.

Once you upload H5P content it is stored in a library and can be used in any number of courses. An edit done in the library is automatically displayed in all the courses.

The same H5P content will be displayed differently in different frontends - adjusted font, buttons colours and shapes and more.

Quick and easy integration

Bringing together various types of software sub-systems has never been easier. Headless technology allows you to create a unified single system with any software your organisation is using. Below you will find some of our integration examples.


Frontend Frameworks

Quick and easy integration

Bringing together various types of software sub-systems has never been easier. Headless technology allows you to create a unified single system with any software your organisation is using. Below you will find some of our integration examples.

Features and possibilities

Badges and certificates

H5P and multiple file format support

Statistics and reports

Earn commendations for completed courses and course tracks. Earn personalized certificates with your name and surname after completing courses and course tracks.

With H5P create rich, interactive content for different platforms and enjoy in-depth usage tracking and analysis. Upload any and all of the content the learners may need to achieve their goals.

Track information on course completion and user performance. Export information on content and users to various file formats.

Points, claims and gamification

Integration with the project’s platform (SSO)

Quizzes and tests

Engage in the learning experience. Earn points for completed courses and exchange them for prizes.

Log in with a single ID and password that you use for other company software.

Over 20 types of interactive quizzes and tests that make learning engaging and fun.

Not sure which features are perfect for your institution?

No problem - our Evangelists will help you set it up right to your needs.

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Case study

COVID-19 pandemic outbreak forced the whole educational system to switch to distance learning. In care of children’s health the Polish Ministry of Education and Science has launched a special educational program in cooperation with 7 major Universities of Physical Education dedicated to physical education teachers, as well as parents and pupils.

The aim of the project is to educate on how to work with pupils now used to immobility and help them get on their feet again. Wellms is honoured to be a part of this initiative.

AWF (University of Physical Education)


Ryvias is a profit for purpose business whose mission is to be a central hub for sustainability, innovation and conservation enthusiasts.

The company reached out to us in search of a learning platform that could fulfill their very specific needs.

With our Wellms we were able to meet each and every one of them.

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Wrote about us

Escola LMS

ul. Czyżówka 14/2.03,

30-526 Kraków

+48 798 896 837

Book a demo to see Wellms in action

What can you expect from a demo with Wellms

a walk-through of Wellms software

a session tailored to your needs and interests

answers to any questions you may have


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